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OXY5 - Nitro Kit - OXY 5

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OXY5 Nitro
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Product Description

OXY5 Nitro Kit

The Oxy Helicopter – The Lynx Heli Division

Like many of you already know, OXY HELI is part of the Lynx Heli Innovations Upgrade Heli Division owned by Luca Invernizzi. After over ten years of incredible upgrade experience and six years since the first OXY 3 changed how people looked at micro helicopters, in 2019 OXY HELI introduced the first BIG OXY in it’s line: the OXY 5 that thanks to it’s incredible performance and sexy look, set one more time new standard for it’s class, becoming one of worldwide pilots favorite 550-626 Heli…

Now 2020 because Luca Invernizzi Love Heli and Love Nitro is the time for a new exiting and exotic OXY HELI: the NITROXY 5 (OXY 5 NITRO).

Thanks to the feedback from the OXY 5, Luca worked with Lynx Heli Innovations R&D Department to deliver Luca’s dream… a Nitro Machine!

Let’s call Luca’s dream an obsession. NITRO is the way Luca was competing worldwide over ten years ago and his Nitro feeling, tuning and fly experience combined with the OXY knowledge and OEM experience gained with all successfully OXY releases, represent one more important step in Luca’s OXY mission.

Our Philosophy: Top Performance and Quality First!

OXY HELI in 2014 introduced the first OXY 3 changing the micro helicopter industry. In 2019 released the OXY 5 setting new standards for it’s class, now after six Years finally the first NITRO OXY is here, the NITROXY 5!

Because here in Lynx / OXY every product we release have his story to tell, at IRCHA 2019 OXY HELI release the OXY 5 MEG but one secret project was there… the NITROXY 5 (actually 3 beta were there)

How we cannot tell how much we appreciate the extraordinary enthusiasm and support of McTune himself (Rob McClallen) his son Devin, Lukas Dinger and Big Mark (Mark Alswager), that they received the NITROXY 5 beta kit just one day before IRCHA travel, they work day and night to finalize it without user manual! Actually… this moment helped to feel the priceless OXY family energy and support one more time, Thanks so much!

Let’s talk about the NITROXY 5 specialty design features!

The nitro feeling... by Luca Invernizzi

“I am a Nitro guy.. I was competing when no electric Heli was available and I stop when they start to come... I was consultant in Novarossi for the Nitro Heli Engine Design Line… I love Heli, any but I am addicted to Nitro... the smell the feeling the tuning... to fly a Nitro Heli is like dealing with a living creature... when in fly she talk to us, she give us sign, if we learn to listen and feel, we fly together with a Nitro Heli and deliver the best performance and fly routine... flying Nitro we learn to respect the limit of the machine and to follow her... get the best performance with mutual limit respect... learn pitch management... cyclic traction… tuning… many situation that actually flying electric Heli we no need to care or feel, electrical fly style is nice, is extreme, is super-fast.. however, the Nitro style, the sound, the smell the feeling the tuning... the tricks on set up…. and all-around the Nitro is for me as for many a pure addiction.

…. longer fly time compare electric help learning process... mindset is the base of every good perfect fly... Nitro help with her full tank and slow reaction in the beginning... to become more and more aggressive and quick, losing fuel weight... I can talk forever about how I love Nitro and who already enjoy Nitro, I am sure can feel what I am talking about... who have not yet should try... is not for anyone I agree… but if we like mechanics... motors and Heli... I think the click will be immediate.

Design a Nitro Heli..

…even if is not simple, but let say design an electrical Heli is easy compare designing a Nitro Heli... lot of power… immediate torque... zero vibration... and from that the famous joke: even the stone can fly... but... but a Nitro?? that is the challenge... in particularly a 50 class Heli... weight... mass distribution... CG… Vibes… Thermal and Cooling… efficiency… and overall, all the aspects on the frame, the aerodynamics and transmission playing a huge role on the final result.

With all the Nitro rules in mind and my long Nitro experience is how we design, tested and approved our NITROXY 5!

With two optional gear ratio transmission, you can easy switch main blade set and fly standard kit with 600 to 625 blade or just replacing the clutch bell pinion assembly ramping up the gear ratio and fly 550 to 575... like any OXY we overthink about options without performance compromise. Engine block parts and frame are designed to easily adjust the mesh of the 2 gear ratio option, like an usually electrical heli…

I think that our NITROXY 5 with it’s design features and an incredible ready to fly (420ml full tank!!) 3500g weight will set one more time new standard in her class.

Frame System:

Everybody follows the wide frame philosophy for some mechanical reason, but Luca chose the opposite direction. Super slim upper main frame (only 35mm inner frame) with a necessary enlarged frame for the Nitro Engine need. To define that vision, he must overcome many vibration and resonance, but in the end the result is an astonishing rigid, strong, lightweight and clean looking frame. Every assembly situation was revised many times. Reduction of screws count, overlapping layer components, high efficiency gearing system, CNC Lynx Turbo Fan and high performance Fan Shroud assure the best efficiency in cooling and the innovative Clutch Bell heat-sink effect, Sprag One-way System, elimination of main shaft collar with a sliding lower bearing block system and easy a solid and easy to access Tank holding system yielded a simple adaptive design.

Following the user manual, you can easily get stet-by-step building and all the wiring for a clean pro-build result, because the details are so important when we love what we do and fly. We should also empathize our R&D Heli design approach: We test our Heli’s not only in the air, but our process also follows the after crash analysis to minimizing the damage by reducing the impact energy, saving the core of the Heli. Crashes are an unplanned event we all have unfortunately, but it is part of the game. Heli must be designed to fly with perfection, but be quick to repair without a huge expense. Crashes are part of our game, “no pain, no gain”. As they say, not crashing? You’re not pushing for improvement. Anything can be damaged, but we truly believe that an adaptive design method can like in the car industry, define what we want to save, and form a pilot experience. Luca chose the frame with all the expensive components to be saved, sacrificing other areas that are easy and low-cost to replace.

Main Gear and Main Pulley System:

Looking for efficiency and simplicity, NITROXY 5 has a single stage transmission with Spur 163 Mod 0.8mm CNC Main Gear, 19T Pinion in the kit with optional 22T Pinion as accessory. Sprag oversized One-Way System, and a simple and innovative gear mesh system.

The Main Pulley 84T with HDT 3M Tail Belt Transmission and metal frame tail pulley to cancel nasty EDM (electrostatic) issue.

Head System:

Luca’s experience shows him that a solid head system with 10mm hollow shaft, 8mm hollow spindle, serrated center hub and interchangeable adaptive dampening system was the solution to pursuit. This was a milestone to pass. Something present in any 3D Heli, the pitch mechanical aberration, or deviation error from Zero to full negative and positive collective. Thanks to a different cinematic simulation OXY R&D ended with special, simple but mathematically proved geometry that reduce the mechanical aberration to only 0.25-degree pitch with 28-degree maximum travel. There’s no need any more to play with FBL end points to have the same exactly negative and positive pitch, giving the NITROXY 5 a precision and crispy head feeling. Exactly what the new 3D generation pilot are looking for, agility and precision in one single spot!

Tail System:

Here we come with OXY’s specialty: Tail Performance. We all know that when we fly, if we cannot trust 100% in the tail authority or precision, 50% of our mind is lost just thinking: Which move I can do next? If I do this, will I lose the tail, just like before?

The tail is so, so important on the last generation of Heli design. It is where every company tries their best to improve what today, feels perfect. Improvements don’t have a limit. OXY introduces in each Heli from the small OXY 2 up to the new NITROXY 5, design and features that assure the best tail efficiency with the simplest design as possible. Bigger count tail pulley with the best revolution efficiency, super low belt wearing, tail belt tensioner, Delta rod angles, reduced mechanical travel aberration, double pinned Pitch Slider and 6mm Tail Shaft are just some of the different mechanical NITROXY 5 tail solutions.

After reading all that, you probably normally thinking it’s enough, but it isn’t. Many other detail and features are inside the NITROXY 5, many personal Luca “touches”. It’s too hard or takes too long to list them all here, but we are sure. Those who will get one, will love it!


OXY 5 Technical and standard specs:

- Main Blade Length: From 600 to 625mm with Standard Kit Transmission Ratio

From 550 to 575 with optional Transmission Ratio sold separately.

- Main Grip Clamping: M4 / 10 and 12mm Root.

- Tail Blade Length: Any from 85mm to 105mm.

- Tail Blade Clamping: M3 / 5 mm Root.

- Standard Main Gear: 163T Module 0.8mm with Sprag Bearing One-Way System.

- Standard Pinion: 19T – (Optional 22T sold separately).

- Standard Main Ratio: 8.578 – (Optional 7.40).

- Standard Main Pulley: 84T.

- Standard Tail Pulley: 19T (Optional 18-20 sold separately).

- Standard Tail Ratio: 4.42 (Optional 4.66 / 4.20).

- Standard Landing Gear: Plastic Strut Black Color with Black Tubes Skids.

- Tank Capability: 420ml.

- RTF Approx. Weight: 3500g (full tank).

- Motor size: Any .50 to .60 Nitro Heli Engine.

- Cyclic Servo Size: Std. Size Servo (Optional Mini Size Cyclic Servo Supports sold separately)

- Tail Servo Size: Std. or Mini Servo

- Throttle Servo Size: Mini Servo

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